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Quit wasting money

on your trash disposal.

Wastemaster. The leverage you need to lower your costs.

Wastemaster. The leverage you need to lower your costs.

Wastemaster. The leverage you need to lower your costs.


We're brokers with the buying power to reduce your waste costs.

condos saving

Most businesses and condo buildings don’t realize they’re leaving money on the table when negotiating with a waste hauler. Disposal is that necessity that no one wants to give much thought to.

reduce your trash costs

But what you think is your “best cost” for waste disposal–isn’t. There’s room for you to save money.


That’s why you need an “inside agent” – Wastemaster – the trash disposal broker with the clout to negotiate with your current provider.

You don’t need to change your waste hauler,
we’ll still get you a lower price.

After years working for one of the world’s largest disposal companies, we at Wastemaster have the knowledge of knowing the real bottom line for waste haulers. And it’s usually lower than your negotiated contract.

Our portfolio of clients enables everyone we represent to have the clout of a large group. Better yet, we know the market. So we can leverage our knowledge and buying power to get you the best deal on your waste disposal.

money saving 2

Money-saving prices
fixed —without yearly increases.

So what does that mean for you as a Wastemaster customer? Incredibly, you don’t need to change your waste hauler or wait out your contract with your current provider to get a lower price.


We’ll give you one low monthly price for the life of your agreement with Wastemaster (generally 3 years). That means no extra fuel/environmental surcharges. No incremental increases that raise the price constantly once you’ve signed on.

We’ll even assist you with any issues that might arise with your waste hauler. Customer service comes directly from us. Have an issue? We’ll problem solve it for you. Getting the idea that we make trash disposal cheaper and easier? You’d be right.

Just send us your invoice and
watch us trim your bill.

Thinking this all sounds too good to be true? Give us a chance to show you the savings! You don’t need to sign a thing, nor agree to work together.
Just send us your current invoice and we’ll get to work.

Tell us to get to workCall us to start saving  773-858-5642.


Avoid costly mistakes when negotiating a “Waste and Recycling Service Agreement.”

We now offer a CMCA or CAM continuing education course.

Waste contract errors can cost your association plenty. Learn about the pitfalls to avoid and the benefits to the association with our new course on “Waste and Recycling Service Agreements.” As leaders in the field of waste management, with more than 25 years of experience in waste and recycling, we at Wastemaster have the inside track on executing effective agreements for your Community Association or Condominium Board.

When you take our 1 credit hour course, you’ll fulfill part of your CMCA or CAM continuing education requirement while learning:

• The ins and outs of creating an effective waste contract
• Pitfalls to avoid so you can reduce costs
• Benefits to your association of a reliable waste management contract
This in-person or online course gives you a business advantage and makes learning practical. Simply contact us today to schedule.

Sign me up or     Go Directly to CAMICB or  Go Directly to IDFPR

This course Waste and Recycling Service Agreements is approved by Community Association Managers International Certification Board to fulfill continuing education requirements for the CAM certification.


One Northfield Plaza
Suite 300 Northfield, IL 60093

Working Hours

Open Hours Monday – Friday

8:00am – 6:00 pm